Saint Peter Fourier


Saint Peter Fourier

Feast Day December 9th

Parish Priest, Reformer of the Canons of Saint Augustine, Founder of the Canonesses of Notre Dame (1565-1640)

This priest of God was consecrated to Him before and at his birth by his pious parents. Fourier was born on 30 November 1565 in the village of Mirecourt, in what was then the Duchy of Lorraine, a part of the Holy Roman Empire (now the French department of Vosges), which was a bulwark of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. He was the eldest of the three sons of a cloth merchant and his wife, who were faithful Catholics. At the age of 15, his father enrolled him in the new Jesuit University of Pont-à-Mousson (eventually merged into the University of Lorraine).

His aptitude for study, his high stature and beauty added the gifts of nature to those of grace. The young man was noted in particular for his devotion to the Mother of God and his great modesty. It was a surprise to all when he chose to consecrate himself to God in a religious Order which at that time had degenerated from its original fervor, that of the Canons of Saint Augustine. He made application for entrance into the Abbey of Chaumouzey, founded in 1094, situated a short distance from his native village of Mirecourt in Lorraine. There he made the traditional vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in 1587, and was ordained a priest in February of 1589.

Before saying his first Mass he passed several months of retreat in the exercises of prayer, penance and tears. He was then sent to complete his theological studies at the University of Pont-au-Mousson, also in Lorraine. There, Father Jean Fourier, a relative who was Rector of that University, directed him admirably. His progress in virtue and the sacred sciences placed him high in the opinion of the Cardinal of Lorraine and Bishop of Metz, who desired to have him in his diocese; he offered him a parish where his talents would bring him advancement. But the young priest, wishing to flee all honors, declined, to return to his Abbey.

There, hell instigated against him a persecution; he was the brunt of raillery, threats, and intrigues, and an effort was made to poison him, which did not succeed. For two years he lived in the midst of contradictions without complaining in any way to his abbot, who seemed unaware of what was happening; he increased in patience and kindness towards his persecutors. Eventually he was again offered a choice of three parishes, two of which would provide opportunity for advancement, while the third was in a village regarded as incorrigible and backward.

Fourier passed over two prestigious options and accepted the post of vicar of the parish of Mattaincourt in order to combat the indifference to religion widespread in the town, and to counter nascent Calvinism in the area. He went on to spend the next twenty years of his life serving its people.

The Sacraments were neglected and the feast days profaned; the altars were bare and the church was deserted when he arrived.

Fourier was charged with preaching to the people of the Principality of Salm-Salm, which had embraced Calvinism. Within six months his gentle persuasion and efforts were rewarded with the re-establishment of Catholicism in the realm.

To this end, Fourier instituted two major reforms that showed his intelligence and concern for his flock. The first of these was to improve the financial lives of his community by setting up a community bank, from which the townspeople could borrow without interest. His motto in serving the parish was to feed only one person was of use to all. His second innovation was in his preaching style, where he employed dialogues with small groups of his parishioners to explain better their Catholic faith to them. He had his pupils engage in dialectics on Sundays on the various virtues and vices in practice by the congregation. This style proved immensely successful.

He instituted three sodalities, of St. Sebastian for men, of the Holy Rosary for women and of the Immaculate Conception for girls, or “Children of Mary”.

He began by visiting families and assembling two or three of them to talk to them of the truths of the faith. He did not go to the banquets which followed funerals and weddings, save to offer the prayer of blessing or make a short exhortation. He did not accept a housekeeper, even when his own stepmother offered to assist him. He prayed for the greater part of every night, and never refused to go where he was called, at any time or in any season. So little did he need for himself that he was able to give alms and assistance to the poor. He prayed before Jesus on the altar: You are the principal parish priest, I am only Your vicar. And permit me to say to You, with all the humility of my heart, that You are under obligation to make succeed what I cannot.

He desired to remedy the evils of the times by forming children to virtue; and Providence soon brought to him several young women who offered themselves for the instruction of young girls. Within the space of only a few years, six schools were founded in the region, and before he died, about forty. Blessed Alice LeClerc was the first Sister and first Superior of the Canonesses of Notre Dame, dedicated to the education of young women. For this purpose Saint Peter was obliged to confide his parish to his vicar for a time, to journey and obtain the various permissions and assistance necessary; but it was God’s work and all efforts succeeded.

His own parish was gradually being transformed into a model, and priests came to visit it. One of them reported to his bishop the marvels of devotion he had seen in Mattaincourt, and said he had asked the parish priest where he had studied; Saint Peter had answered that he had studied in the fourth — corresponding in America to about the ninth grade. Astonished, the visitor was yet more so when he learned that this modest priest had certainly studied in the fourth, as he had said, but out of horror for vainglory had wanted to dissimulate his years of higher studies.

The bishops were asking him to visit their parishes to preach missions where needed; the holy priest obeyed, amid his increasing tears and penance, as he perceived the vices and ignorance of the populations. He also was concerned to reestablish the discipline and fervor of his own Order, an effort which had failed several times. But in 1621 the Bishop of Toul, Monsignor de Porcelets, entrusted this work to Father Fourier. A house was found to begin the Reform, the vacant ancient Abbey of Saint Remi, and six excellent subjects were sent there under his direction. In four years, eight houses of the Order had adopted the Reform. A General Superior was named; for a time Father Fourier was able to avoid that office, but when the good Superior died, he was obliged to accept its functions. Attacked by the devil, his influence distorted by calumnies, Saint Peter’s only response was to spread everywhere devotion to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin. More than two centuries before the Miraculous Medal in 1830 and the proclamation of the dogma in 1854, he saw to the distribution of large quantities of a medal he had struck, on which were engraved the words: Mary was conceived without sin.

Saint Peter Fourier died in exile as an effect of the difficulties and political problems of the 1630’s; he found shelter in a province which was at that time under the Spanish crown, and there he died in 1640. His spiritual sons, his spiritual daughters, the good people of Gray in Bourgogne, who had welcomed him and whom he had served admirably during an epidemic of the pestilence, all wanted the honor of possessing his mortal remains. But so did also the parish of Mattaincourt. To the reformed Order of Saint Augustine this privilege was granted officially, but the pious women of Mattaincourt, blocking the church door, would not permit the Canons to resume their journey with the coffin, after they had stopped in his former parish for a day or so. His heart had already been left to the parish of Gray. Miracles have abounded at his tomb, as they did during his lifetime, by his prayers. He was canonized by Pope Leo XIII in 1897.

References and Excerpts

[1] Les Petits Bollandistes: Vies des Saints, by Msgr. Paul Guérin (Bloud et Barral: Paris, 1882), Vol.

[2] “Peter Fourier.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 Nov. 2016. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

[3] Allaria, Anthony. “St. Peter Fourier.” The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 11. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911. 12 Dec. 2016 <>.

[4]Online, Catholic. “St. Peter Fourier – Saints & Angels – Catholic Online.” Catholic Online. Catholic Online, n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2016.

Pray for Priests

Pray for your priest and Church.

As the men turned and walked on toward Sodom, Abraham remained standing before the LORD. Then Abraham drew near and said: “Will you really sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there were fifty righteous people in the city; would you really sweep away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people within it? Far be it from you to do such a thing, to kill the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike! Far be it from you! Should not the judge of all the world do what is just?” The LORD replied: If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake… “Please, do not let my Lord be angry if I speak up this last time. What if ten are found there?” For the sake of the ten, he replied, I will not destroy it.” (Genesis 18:22-32)

Many are looking for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, they are comparing events happening around us: moral degradation, shrinking number of people going to churches, cataclysm etc. and predicting that it will happen soon. It is coming, if not tomorrow then the day after tomorrow. With such predictions it is easy to forget that our job is to do the will of God (Matthew 7:21), not to wait and do nothing.

In Book of Genesis, chapter 18, God said;” For the sake of the ten, I will not destroy it.”

Bab edh-Dhra, better known as Sodom, estimated population at the time of the destruction was between 600-1200. This give us 0.85-1.67%
righteous people as required threshold to avoid the destruction. If we look around today we may find more than two righteous, (doesn’t mean holy), for every hundred people. We have to realize that the day of the return of our Lord may not happen soon, and at the same time remember that we can be called to stand at the front of Him any time, any minute. If we want to be found worthy of His promises we have to be ready and not waste the time given to us. To guide us in our voyage God gives us the Holy Catholic Church with its priests.

The purpose of the Church and priests is to serve God for the salvation of souls. For this reason they hold a special place in society, and for this reason priests and the Catholic Church are especially targeted by our enemy, the enemy of God, Satan. St. Peter in his 1st letter, 5:8, warns us: “Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

Evil spirits are intelligent, they know that the priest representing God and Church can over his lifetime influence thousands of people. Holy priest will help save many souls, corrupt ones will guide them to hell. Evil forces put extreme pressure on priests to make them to neglect their duty in order to increase the numbers of lost souls and to discredit the Catholic Church as a whole.

Sadly on many occasions parishioners unknowingly may have a bad influence on their priest, keeping him occupied with too many activities which often turns churches into social clubs. Many times they will try to influence the priest to liberalize, to soften his preaching, or they are so nice to their shepherd that it becomes difficult for him to take strong, unpopular positions, fight bad behaviors, and do the job he was called for, guiding his flock to heaven.

About the future of those priests who cave, we learn from Matthew 7:22-23 “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.”

In this battle priests need as much help as they can get. For this reason parishioners in their own interest, for their own salvation have to: love their priests, help with challenges, and enthusiastically pray for them.
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. (Mark 12:30-31)

“You shall love the God”. This commandment mandate us to love God and the greater gift from Him to human kind, this gift is the Holy Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is a chest full of treasure, full of God’s mercy, and is not locked like other treasure chests. It is open to everybody, just come join and take, and take again and again. The only church built on our Lord’s Jesus Christ, the Son of God and His sacrifice, standing on two pillars, Holy Bible and Tradition. The shortest road to Heaven.

When we step into a building of the Catholic Church everything is God’s love and mercy. Holy Water, The Sign of the Cross, the High Altar with the Tabernacle, holding the Prisoner of Love, our Lord Jesus Christ. Side altars, the Way of the Cross, confessionals, statues and images. In this building the door to Heaven is opened through confession, the miracle of Holy Communion and other sacraments performed by a priest ordained by the Bishop, a descendant of the apostles. In this building the teaching of our Lord and His Church are organized in the liturgical year, with holidays and feasts that are enriched by the wisdom of God revealed through saints in their extraordinary lives. His wisdom is revealed to the faithful, showing the way to Heaven. The Treasury of Prayers is in action: the Rosary, First Friday and First Saturday Devotions, and the Indulgences and promises of our Lord and His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, are obtainable. The Catholic Church is God’s love and mercy which flows out through priests in local churches.

Sadly for many years we see the numbers of parishioners in many churches, especially in urban areas shrinking. So many churches which in the past had six, seven masses, and were fully packed on Sunday, today have two or three with decreasing number of attendees.

Mandates of love, love of Catholic Church and individual churches we are members of, and love of neighbor, demands action on our part.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)

We have to ask for holy priests, ask for increasing numbers in our churches, ask for conversion of people of all faiths, ask for a revitalized Catholic Church, “ask and it will be given to you… and you will find the way… and the door will be opened.”

Prayer for our Church
Most gracious God. Thou art good and kind, full of mercy for all who call upon Thee. Restore us O Lord and lay aside Thy indignation against us. Incline Thy ears to our prayers, and by the infusion of the Holy Spirit sanctify our bishop(s) [N] priest(s), Father(s) [N] . Gather Thy children around him (them), increase our numbers, and fill our hearts with Thy love. Make our church, the Church of [N], the place of conversion for people of all faiths, and an instrument to restore and revitalize the Holy Catholic Church. Through the same Christ our Lord, Amen. Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God pray for us. All Saints and Holy Souls in purgatory, pray for us.

Link to prayer card:”Pray For Church”

Link for this flyer “Pray for Priests and Church”

Restore Communion of Saints

failure2-launchBestow Mercy to Revitalize the Communion of Saints.

“It was a holy and pious thought. Therefore, he made atonement for the dead, that they might be delivered from their sin”
(2 Macc. 12:45)

November 2nd is the commemoration of All Souls Day. The previous day we celebrated All Saints Day, celebrating those who are already in heaven. The next day starts the octave of praying for those who passed the test and are on the way. Saints in heaven, holy souls in purgatory, and we faithful on earth united by the communion of saints.

Traditionally, Catholics spent eight days visiting cemeteries, praying for their relatives, friends, and unknown deceased, obtain indulgences for them, helping them reach their final, glorious destination. In the old days, cemeteries would be lit by thousands of candles, burned to memorize those who came before us, and according to tradition to give them some relief in their suffering. Today at the gate to the graveyard we often find signs discouraging, or forbidding people from putting torches, or lights on the premises, because they are making cleaning and maintenance more difficult.

In today’s “busy” society few people think about previous generations, and even fewer pray for them. As a result, the communion between those in heaven, purgatory and the living is shrinking. With Neopaganism rapidly progressing we are outmatched by evil forces. It is necessary to rejuvenate our union with those in heaven and the souls in purgatory. The poor souls in purgatory cannot help themselves, but they will pray for those who aid them, and because they are still suffering they have a special place in God’s loving and merciful heart, making them a powerful ally. Our Lady, Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary ask Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich: “Instruct your penitents to pray fervently for the poor souls in purgatory, for they in gratitude will pray for them in return. Prayer for these poor souls is most agreeable to God, as it admits them to His presence sooner.”
(Prophecies Part 3, On the Existence of Purgatory, section 1)

Our Lord in Luke 16:9 instructs us: “I tell you, make friends for yourselves with dishonest wealth, so that when it fails, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” He is encouraging us to give away God’s mercy to the souls in purgatory. Every catholic in a state of grace, being free from all attachment to sin, led by the Spirit of God (spirit of love and mercy) gains the status of child and heir of God. We gain the right to administrate God’s mercy through indulgences.

“For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, “Abba, Father!” The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if only we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.” (Romans 8:14-17)
First, a half-hour of reading the bible, a half-hour of adoration, or reciting 5 decades of the Rosary without interruption in a church, family, religious community or pious association. Then receiving Holy Communion, Confession, and offering up a prayer for the Pope’s intentions, while being free from all attachment to sin. Then add a plea to our Heavenly Father to receive an indulgence within.

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9)
It is not a big sacrifice if we compare it with the suffering of souls in purgatory, and the happiness we bring to them, and it is enough to free 1 soul from purgatory, and thereby gain the best friend, ally, and advocate we could ever have. Our friends in heaven will cheer for us, pray for us, while souls still in purgatory will do whatever they can to help and protect us in our journey, and at the hour of death they will stand along with our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary as our advocates.

“For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light.” (Luke 16:8)
It is in our own interest to extend those eight days of the octave of All Souls to the entire year, praying for them every day, offering partial and plenary indulgences on their behalf at every mass we attend and, at the foot of our Lord’s Cross, pleading for mercy on them and on us.

Link to “For Souls in Purgatory”

Link for this flyer “Bestow Mercy Restore Communion”

Saint Gregory Thaumaturge -“Miracle-Worker”


Saint Gregory Thaumaturge -“Miracle-Worker”

Feast Day November 17

Bishop, Confessor (213- 270)

Saint Gregory, originally known as Theodore “Gift of God,” was born in Neocaesarea (now Turkey), of distinguished parents who were still engaged in the superstitions of paganism. His father had destined him for the legal profession, in which the art of oratory is necessary, and in this pursuit he was succeeding well, having learned Latin. He was introduced to the Christian religion at the age of fourteen, after the death of his father. Gregory and his brother Athenodorus, later to be a bishop like himself, on the advice of one of their tutors, were eager to study at the Berytus in Beirut, then one of the four or five famous schools in the Hellenic world. At this time, their brother-in-law was appointed assessor (legal counsel) to the Roman Governor of Palestine; the youths had therefore an occasion to act as an escort to their sister as far as Caesarea in Palestine. On arrival in that town they learned that the celebrated scholar Origen, head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria, resided there. Curiosity led them to hear and converse with the master. Soon both youths forgot all about Beirut and Roman law, and gave themselves up to the great Christian teacher, who gradually won them over to Christianity.

Origen discovered in them a remarkable capacity for knowledge, and more important still, rare dispositions for virtue. Gregory took up at first the study of philosophy; theology was afterwards added, but his mind remained always inclined to philosophical study, so much so indeed that in his youth he cherished strongly the hope of demonstrating that the Christian religion was the only true and good philosophy. For seven years he underwent the mental and moral discipline of Origen, who strove to inspire love for truth in them and an ardent desire to attain greater knowledge and the possession of the Supreme Good. Gregory studied also in Alexandria for three years, after a persecution drove his master, Origen, from Palestine, but returned there with the famous exegete in 238. He was then baptized, and in the presence of a large audience delivered a speech in which he testified to his gratitude towards his teacher, praising his methods, and thanking God for so excellent a professor.

When he returned to his native city of Neocaesarea in the Pont, his friends urged him to seek high positions, but Gregory desired to retire into solitude and devote himself to prayer. For a time he did so, often changing his habitation, because the archbishop of the region desired to make him Bishop of Neocaesarea. Eventually he was obliged to consent. That city was very prosperous, and the inhabitants were corrupted by paganism. Saint Gregory, with Christian zeal and charity, and with the aid of the gift of miracles which he had received, began to attempt every means to bring them to the light of Christ. As he lay awake one night an elderly man entered his room, and pointed to a Lady of superhuman beauty who accompanied him, radiant with heavenly light. This elderly man was Saint John the Evangelist, and the Lady of Light was the Mother of God. She told Saint John to give Gregory the instruction he desired; thereupon he gave Saint Gregory a creed which contained in all its plenitude the doctrine of the Trinity. Saint Gregory consigned it to writing, directed all his preaching by it, and handed it down to his successors. This creed later preserved his flock from the Arian heresy.

He converted a pagan priest one day, when the latter requested a miracle, and a very large rock moved to another location at his command. The pagan priest abandoned all things to follow Christ afterwards. One day the bishop planted his staff beside the river which passed alongside the city and often ravaged it by floods. He commanded it never again to pass the limit marked by his staff, and in the time of Saint Gregory of Nyssa, who wrote of his miracles nearly a hundred years later, it had never done so. The bishop settled a conflict which was about to cause bloodshed between two brothers, when he prayed all night beside the lake whose possession they were disputing. It dried up and the miracle ended the difficulty.

When the persecution of Decius began in 250, the bishop counseled his faithful to depart and not expose themselves to trials perhaps too severe for their faith; and none fell into apostasy. He himself retired to a desert, and when he was pursued was not seen by the soldiers. On a second attempt they found him praying with his companion, the converted pagan priest, now a deacon; they had mistaken them the first time for trees. The captain of the soldiers was convinced this had been a miracle, and became a Christian to join him. Some of his Christians were captured, among them Saint Troadus the martyr, who merited the grace of dying for the Faith. The persecution ended at the death of the emperor in 251.

It is believed that Saint Gregory died in the year 270, on the 17th of November. Before his death he asked how many pagans still remained in the city, and was told there were only seventeen. He thanked God for the graces He had bestowed on the population, for when he arrived, there had been only seventeen Christians.

These are some of the many miracles he worked. Through his prayer, a mountain that prevented the construction of a church moved, a lake that was the cause of dissension between two brothers dried, and the flooding of the Icus River that was devastating the fields stopped. His staff planted along the border of the river took root, and was transformed into a great tree beyond whose limits the water would not pass. Many times he expelled devils from the idols and the bodies of possessed persons. Some of the many miracles he worked caused multitudes to enter the Catholic Faith. He also had the spirit of the Prophets, foretelling many future events.

References and Excerpts

[1] M. P. Guérin, Les Petits Bollandistes: Vies des Saints, Paris: Bloud et Barral, 1882.
[2] “Saint Gregory Thaumaturge – Lives of the Saints,” Magnificat, 24 February 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 October 2016].
[3] “Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus,” Wikipedia, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 October 2016].
[4] P. P. C. d. Oliveira, “St. Gregory Thaumaturgus – November 17,” Tradition In Action, 2002. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 October 2016].
[5] R. E. Guiley, Encyclopedia of Saints, New York City, NY: Facts on File, 2001.

Christ for King

1 Christ for King of the United States

Thus says the Lord:

Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings, who makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD. (Jeremiah 17:5)

It was year 64 AD, Rome was burning, and the prosecution of Christians about to reach its peak.  St. Peter was fleeing from crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government under Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar.  Along the road outside the city he met the risen Jesus. St. Peter asks Jesus, “Quo vadis?” (“Where are you going?”) , to which Jesus replies, “Romam eo iterum crucifigi” (“I am going to Rome to be crucified again”). Peter thereby gained the courage to return to the city, continue his ministry and eventually be martyred by being crucified upside-down.

Today in the United States and all over the world, Neopaganism is showing its head. Faithless culture, Faithless economy, Faithless government, and Faithless society. The country that still has “In God we trust” on its currency is drifting away from God with increasing speed. Corrupt elites in government, media and pop culture are imposing all kinds of harmful ideologies on society, corrupting our hearts and endangering the salvation of our souls.

Should we flee the United States by locking ourselves in our houses and churches, or shall we turn around and continue the ministry started by our Lord and passed to us by St. Peter and successive generations.

We are not alone in this battle. Our Lord is with us. God, our loving Heavenly Father shows us the way to overcome obstacles in our struggle for salvation through chosen souls.

One of those chosen souls was Giulio Mancinelli. On august 14, 1608 in monastery Gesu Nuovo Italy, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the Jesuit Giulio and asked him as gratitude for strong love and devotion to Her among Poles to call Her “ Queen of Poland”. Two years later the 72 year old Giulio, after an arduous walk from Italy, on May 8, 1610 brought this message to the Polish King in Cracow.

April 1, 1656, in Lvov Cathedral, King John II Casimir entrusted the Commonwealth under the Blessed Virgin Mary’s protection, whom he announced as The Queen of the Polish Crown.

Sadly this announcement didn’t move the hearts of the nobles, leaders of the Commonwealth. Pride, personal ambitions and self-interest created divisions and conflicts. It took the Poles 45 years to recognize the importance of this revelation. In 1648 Bohdan Khmelnitsky led rebellion of Zaporozhian Cossacks and Ukrainian peasants, it brought into focus the rivalry between Russia and the Commonwealth (Poland-Lithuania) for hegemony over Ukraine and over the eastern Slavic lands in general. In June, 1654, the forces of Tsar Alexis of Russia invaded the eastern half of Poland-Lithuania, starting the Russo-Polish War of 1654-67. In the summer of 1654, the Russians managed to capture most important cities and strongholds of today’s Belarus. July the next year, the Swedish Empire invaded and occupied the remaining half of the country. In the winter of the same year the Swedes attempted to capture the Jasna Góra monastery in Częstochowa. A small force consisting of monks from the Jasna Góra monastery led by their Prior and supported by local volunteers, mostly from the Polish nobility, fought off the numerically superior Swedish troops to save their sacred icon, the Black Madonna of Częstochowa. Their successful defense become the turning point of the war. On  April first, 1656, during a holy mass in Lvov Cathedral (now Ukraine), conducted by the papal legate Pietro Vidoni, King John II Casimir, who just returned from exile, in a grandiose and elaborate ceremony entrusted the Commonwealth under the Blessed Virgin Mary’s protection, whom he announced as The Queen of the Polish Crown. A series of victories following this act allowed Poland to reclaim control over most of the lost territories. Today, the Blessed Virgin Mary is known as the Queen of Poland.

Beginning in the year 1930, our Lord Jesus began to demand, using the Venerable Rozalia Celakowna (whose beatification process is ongoing), that Poland recognize Him as King. September 1937 Rozalia starts to receive a series of prophetic visions in which Jesus’s demands of the Poland and the world are very clearly defined. Depending on the fulfillment of these demands, God subjected the fate of Poland and other nations. The essence of these revelations can be reduced to a condition: if Poland wants to save itself, it must accept Jesus as their King in the whole sense of the word by the Act of Enthronement. It is to be made by the entire nation, and especially by the state and ecclesiastical authorities, on behalf of the Nation, must worked together to make this Act in a solemn manner. If other nations will follow the example of Poland, and recognize Jesus, their King, they will be spared, otherwise they will perish.

May 2 2016 Knights of Christ the King marching in Warsaw, Poland.

After WW II, forty five years of communist dictatorship, and twenty six years of post-communist struggle, the polish episcopate established a draft of the enthronement of Jesus Christ, which resulted in Poland being placed under His rule as King on November 19, 2016. This Act was announced on the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki-Cracow. Alongside the episcopate, cardinals and bishops, the act of enthronement was attended by the president of Poland and devoted Catholic Andrzej Duda, representatives of administration and leaders of congress. Outside of the sanctuary gathered crowd of over 200 thousand.

József Mindszenty (29 March 1892 – 6 May 1975) was the Prince Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom, cardinal, and leader of the Catholic Church in Hungary from October 2nd, 1945 to December 18th, 1973. For five decades, he personified uncompromising opposition to fascism and communism in Hungary in support of religious freedom. During World War II, he was imprisoned by the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross Party.

Prisoner, Cardinal Mindszenty with his guards.

After the war, he opposed communism and the communist persecution in his country. As a result, he was tortured and given a life sentence in a 1949 show trial that generated worldwide condemnation, including a United Nations resolution. After eight years in prison, he was freed in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and granted political asylum by the United States embassy in Budapest, where Mindszenty lived for the next fifteen years. He was finally allowed to leave the country in 1971. He died in exile in 1975 in Vienna, Austria.  On 21 February 1946, Archbishop Mindszenty was elevated to Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano Rotondo by Pope Pius XII, who told him, “Among these thirty-two you will be the first to suffer the martyrdom symbolized by this red color.” In 1947 Cardinal Mindszenty professed that: If a million Hungarians will pray for the country, he will be calm about her fate.

In the face of a great social crisis (bloody riots, protests, in reminiscence of the 1956 revolution against ruling socialist party) in Hungary, Cardinal Erdö with the episcopate proclaimed 2006 the Year of Spiritual Renewal of the Nation and called all to a prayer crusade for the intentions of the homeland. More than a million Hungarians declared that they will pray for the moral renewal of the nation, which started the beginning of a great social transformation.

After more than 60 years from the words of the martyred Primate, Hungarians tend to recover the lost dignity of the once great nation. Four years after the start of a crusade – April 11, 2010, the patriotic camp led by Victor Orban won the election. One of the first actions of the new parliament was to change the constitution, guaranteeing the protection of life from conception to natural death and recognize the Christian roots of the state. The country now seems to have survived the crisis.

Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia is a country at the northern tip of South America. Population 47 million, it enjoys over 40 mystics who experience the presence of the Lord Jesus, Our Lady and the saints.

Colombia, for many years was associated only with the production of cocaine, violence and terror on the part of the FARC (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army. FARC is a guerrilla movement involved in continuing the Colombian armed conflict since 1964. Ideology‎: ‎Marxism–Leninism‎), it is now the fastest growing country of the whole continent, and the capital Bogota is safer than many other cities in the world.

Through mystics Our Lady sent to the Colombians messages which said that: in Colombia there will be peace only when the entire nation and its leaders make the act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mary said that the suffering that affected Colombia, if lived in union with Christ, will transform the entire nation, which will become a light and witness to the world.

In 1990 the government of Colombia, together with the whole episcopate entrusted the nation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and this was enshrined in the Constitution. Sadly in 1991 the Constitutional Tribunal cancelled the act of consecration. Since then Colombia went through a period of intensified criminal actions from the communist guerrillas. There was then a general mobilization of the whole society, to make a spiritual and moral renewal of the nation and to put into power deeply religious people who would support this renewal. Colombians realized that without a strong faith in God and without prayer the nation has no future, and that is why in the democratic elections in 2002 chose the deeply religious president Álvaro Uribe. In 2003. The president signed a new constitution, which annulled the decision of the Constitutional Court of 1991. The army chief, General Padilla, proudly stated that the new Constitution of Colombia “reflects the order we received from God.”

Consecration to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Bogotá).

After long preparations, on October 12, 2008 state authorities with the president Alvaro Uribe, Cardinal. Pedro Rubian, with the entire Colombian episcopate, in unity with the whole nation, made the solemn consecration of Colombia to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. This was the most important event in the country since Columbia gained its independence.

Catholic, conservative Álvaro Uribe is one of the few leaders who openly talks about their relationship with religion (Uribe is a member of Opus Dei), the faith that has an impact on political decisions and his conservative political views. In the presidential palace on the walls hangs a painting of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the saints and blessed. In the center of the building there is a private chapel, where is the Blessed Sacrament present accompanied by the relics of many saints.

The most astonishing in talks with officials is that everyone is talking about God as someone very important to their lives.

Consecration of the applicants and police cadets to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Colombians are not ashamed of their religion. On one of the skyscrapers of Bogota residents placed a huge painting of Jesus Crucified. The Audi dealership, next to the gleaming cars, placed a 2-meter image of the Lord Jesus. There are hundreds of crosses, statues and icons in private gardens, homes, courtyards, in state offices and private companies.

Against the darkness of sin which is enveloping the world, God chooses countries to be places of spiritual refuge and luminous signs for the world. This land-mark for Latin America is to be Colombia.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it”. (Matthew, 16: 18)

What Our Lord promises will happen but those who will decide to sit on the side line in this struggle should ask themselves the question, “Will the door to Heaven open for me?”

“It is you who have stood by me in my trials; and I confer a kingdom on you, just as my Father has conferred one on me, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom; and you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Luke 22:28-30)

During the Last Supper our Lord revealed to the apostles that God proclaimed Him the King, King of Kings. It is the duty of every Christian, enclosed in mandate, to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”(Mark 16:15) To bring, by prayer and promotion, this message to everybody so that one day, by the Grace of God, Jesus Christ will be proclaimed and recognized as the King of the USA and the entire world.

Let us then proclaim the Son of God, our redeemer, our savior Jesus Christ the King, King of our hearts and King of our country and our Heavenly Mother Virgin Mary our Queen, surrendering as individuals and as a nation to their merciful, loving, most Holy Hearts, to become part of God’s salvation plan.

Let’s start with promoting a simple prayer:

Christ Our King

O Lord our God, Jesus Christ, Thee alone are our Most Holy King. For our many sins we have deserved Thy Just Judgment. Jesus, King of Mercy, forgive us, have mercy upon us. Protect, o Lord, us, our families and our country, the United States of America. May America and all nations declare Thee God and King; May they fall on their knees before Thee! Open their hearts, and lift up their souls to adore Thee! Amen.

This prayer can be downloaded at under “Religious Cards” then “Prayer Cards.”

link for this Flyer “Christ for King”

From The Wanderer – Part 3

Raymond de Souza

On the Inquisition

Part 3 By Raymond de Souza, KM

Answering More Objections

2nd objection: Were the penalties of the Inquisition too harsh?

The answer is simple: if we wish to judge – by modern standards – the penalties inflicted by the Inquisition on heretics and enemies of Church and State, yes, they were undoubtedly severe. Penalties in our time are, more often than not, so lenient that they do not deter crimes, as the ever growing prison population proves ad nauseam. And yet, the penalties were no means harsh in the terms of the standards of the time.
Was the death sentence applied? Yes, it was. However, unlike the practice of the civil courts, the Inquisition often admitted appeals against the sentence, while most civil courts allowed no ap­peal against sentences for certain crimes. Truth is that relatively few encounters with the Inquisition ended at the stake. This was a fate reserved for the relapsed, the impeni­tent, and those convicted of attempting to overturn certain central doctrines of the Church and threaten the stability of the State. But even in these cases lesser forms of punishment often prevailed. The lesser punishments were generally medicinal and spir­itual: public abjurations of error, penances, work in a charitable institution, a cycle of prayers and devotions, pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela or the Holy Land. The goal was the conversion of the heretic, not his destruction.
But who were the ones who were burned alive? That’s the question most often asked. If we leave aside the exaggerations of the anti-Catholic historians, it was only those unrepentant to the end who were burnt alive. The most common execution of dangerous heretics was made by hanging or beheading, long before the burning at the stake. But those overcritical historians systematically ignore the care taken by the Church took regarding conditions in Inquisition prisons.
I insist in reminding readers that the activity of the heretics was also criminal: When Christianity became the religion of the Empire, and still more when the peoples of Northern Europe became Christian nations, the close alliance of Church and State made unity of faith essential not only to the ecclesiastical organization, but also to civil society.
This is an important reality in those times: Heresy was a crime which secular rul­ers were bound in duty to punish. It was regarded as worse than any other crime, even that of high treason. For society in those times, allowing heresy to flourish, was the equivalent of allowing an­archy.
3rd Objection: The Catholic Inquisition was unique in History, as Protestants always respected the right of other people to interpret the Bible as they felt the Holy Spirit inspired them.
Reply: This is absolutely untrue, to put it mildly. First of all, Protestant punished their opponents exactly as Catholics dealt with theirs, but often far more cruelly, especially with sessions of pro­longed torture on the rack. But do not think that those killed by the Protestant Inquisition were only Roman Catholics. Not at all! For instance, some Protestants regularly put Unitarian heretics to death for their heresy of disagreeing with the Protestant particular interpretation of the Bible! Those who preached the Bible alone with no Church magisterium made themselves their own magisterium and punished others who had their own interpretation of the Bible. Consistency was definitely in short supply those days.
For ex­ample, Calvin had Michael Servetus burnt at the stake in 1553; King James I, an Anglican, had two Unitarian heretics burnt at the stake in 1612; in Scotland, the Presbyterians hanged Unitarians until as late as 1696.
I insist on this point: The Protestant Inquisition was unjust not only by the excessive cruelty of their methods, but especially because it was contradictory: they preached the Bible alone, but it should only be interpreted as they did. They did not admit the Magisterium of the Church founded by Jesus Christ, but imposed a ‘magisterium’ of their own; yes, their severity of Protestants was indefensible, on their own grounds, since they maintained the liberty of private judgement and, therefore, admitted that their victim might be right and they themselves wrong. The Catholic Church never admitted the Bible alone, and was therefore consist­ent with her doctrine that She alone possess divine truth. Therefore, the heretic working amongst Catholics is necessarily a source of moral or spiritual infection, a slayer of souls, and is consequently, more dangerous than the thief or murderer.
It is easy for supposedly ‘charitable’ people today – even inside the Catholic Church – to criticize a ‘severity of the Inquisition in its attempts to eliminate error and evil from the midst of God’s people. Like in every human undertaking, there were abuses in the Inquisition. At times a penalty was more severe than the criminal deserved. There was a specific instance when a totally innocent person was burned at the stake – Saint Joan of Arc, the glorious Patroness of France! But abuses were rare, as the historical record proves it. And yet, the abuse does not destroy the use – the Church was always at work to prevent abuses and exercises Justice.
But are our times truly better? What will future generations think of the abortion industry, murdering millions of pre-born people every year? Just because it is “legal”? And the forced sterilization of women and men the enforced steriliza­tion of handicapped people; the involuntary euthanasia of people deemed ‘useless’ (well documented in several countries, but never are the guilty doctors prosecuted); the destruction of children’s innocence through expo­sure to obscenity; the glorification of base immorality and gratuitous violence under the name of ‘entertain­ment’; the idolization of ‘stars’ who lead lives of sheer depravity; the widespread sale of mind-destroying drugs; the plague of divorce and the attendant aban­donment of children; the degradation of motherhood and family; the relegation of many old people to a life of loneliness and isolation; the bombing of entire cities in wars—and countless other modern evils unimagined by past generations.
Add to this the crisis in the faith inside the Church herself, where we find heresy and teachings dissenting from the Gospel teaching spread everywhere by laymen and women, priests, bishops and even Cardinals! And this smoke of Satan goes on with impunity in so many places…!
Today’s critics of the Inquisition are, more often than not, like the Pharisees of old: do as I say, don’t do as I do… and Jesus called them hypocrites, whitewashed sepulchers and race of vipers!
Oh, yes, in comparison with today’s evils, the Inquisition was very moderate and lenient indeed!
Last but not least, even if we suppose that the Inquisition was horribly severe according to the anti-Catholic accusation, in the final analysis is does not touch the Church’s infallibility in her teaching Magisterium. It would only condemn the behavior of some of her members. It also proves that the misbehavior of some Catholics does not affect the vitality and growth of the Church in number and virtue, and the many saints prove ad nauseam. The parable of the fishermen shows that in the kingdom of God (the net) there are both good and bad fish…
David committed adultery and murder, and yet he is called a ‘Man after God’s own Heart” in the Bible. His religion remained untouched. Even the Apostles you find wrongdoings: the man in charge of the purse sold Jesus out; the first Pope denied Jesus three times; and the other ten run away like chickens when the going got tough… what a sorry lot Jesus chose to work with Him! And yet they were the Apostolic College, the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Raymond de Souza KM is available to speak at Catholic events anywhere in the free world in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Please email or visit or phone 507-450-4196 in the United States

Saint Quentin, Apostle of Amiens

Jacopo Pontormo 043.jpg

Saint Quentin, Apostle of Amiens

Feast Day October 31

Martyr (+ 287)

Saint Quentin was a Roman, descended from a senatorial family. Full of zeal for the kingdom of Jesus Christ, he left his country and went into Gaul, accompanied by eleven other apostles sent from Rome. They separated to extend their campaign of evangelization to the various regions of France. Saint Quentin remained at Amiens and endeavored by his prayers and labors to make that region part of Our Lord’s inheritance. By the force of his words and works he preluded the glory of his martyrdom. He gave sight to the blind, vigor to paralytics, hearing to the deaf, and agility to the infirm, in the name of Our Lord, simply by the sign of the Cross. At all hours of the day he invoked his God in fervent supplications.

But this apostolate could not escape the notice of Rictiovarus, the Roman prosecutor who at that time represented Maximian Herculeus in Gaul. Saint Quentin was seized at Amiens, thrown into prison, and loaded with chains. Rictiovarus asked him: How does it happen that you, of such high nobility and the son of so distinguished a father, have given yourself up to so superstitious a religion, a folly, and that you adore an unfortunate man crucified by other men? Saint Quentin replied: It is sovereign nobility to adore the Creator of heaven and earth, and to obey willingly His divine commandments. What you call folly is supreme wisdom. What is there that is wiser than to recognize the unique true God, and to reject with disdain the counterfeits, which are mute, false and deceiving?

When the holy preacher was found to be invulnerable to either promises or threats, the prosecutor condemned him to the most barbarous torture. He was stretched on the rack and flogged. He prayed for strength, for the honor and glory of the name of God, forever blessed. He was returned to the prison when the executioners who were striking him fell over backwards, and told Rictiovarus they were unable to stand up, and could scarcely speak. An Angel released the prisoner during the night, telling him to go and preach in the city, and that the persecutor would soon fall before the justice of God. His sermon, a commented paraphrase of the Apostles’ Creed, has been conserved. To his profession of faith in the Holy Trinity, he added that Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom he adored, gave sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, health to the sick and even life to the dead. At His voice, the lame leaped up and ran, paralytics walked, and water was changed into wine… He has promised to be forever with those who hope in Him, and He never abandons those who place their hope in Him; by His omnipotence He delivers them, whenever it pleases Him, from all their tribulations. His guardians discovered that he had disappeared, though all doors were barred, and found him in the city preaching. They were converted by the prodigy. But Rictiovarus was furious and said to them: You, too, have become magicians?

Brought back before the tribunal as a sorcerer, Saint Quentin said: If by persevering in my faith, I am put to death by you, I will not cease to live in Jesus Christ; this is my hope, I maintain it with confidence. He was again placed on the rack and beaten, and tortured with other demoniacal means; his flesh pierced with two iron wires from the shoulders to the thighs, and iron nails were thrust into his fingers, his skull and body. Finally, this glorious martyr was decapitated, after praying and saying: O Lord Jesus, God of God, Light of Light…, for love of whom I have given up my body to all the torments… ah! I implore Thee, in Thy holy mercy, receive my spirit and soul, which I offer Thee with all the ardor of my desires. Do not abandon me, O most kind King, most clement King, who livest and reignest with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever!

His death occurred on October 31, 287.

His body was twice buried secretly, and twice it was rediscovered miraculously — in the year 338 Saint Eusebie, a blind woman, born of a senatorial family, came from Rome (following a divine order) and miraculously discovered the body. The intact remains of Quentin came into view, arising from the water and emanating an odor of sanctity. She buried his body at the top of a mountain near Augusta Veromanduorum (because the chariot on which the saint’s body lay could not go further). She built a small chapel to protect the tomb and recovered her sight.
The Second time was in 641, near the city of Augusta, by Saint Eloi. When he found the tomb, the sky night was lit and the odor of sanctity was evident, he also rebuilt the church (now the Saint-Quentin basilica). Saint Quentin remains in great honor in France above all, where more than fifty-two churches and as many localities were, at the beginning of the 20th century, dedicated to his memory; he is honored also in Belgium and in Italy. Charlemagne and the kings of France have gone to venerate the relics of Saint Quentin.

References and Excerpts

[1]     M. P. Guérin, Les Petits Bollandistes: Vies des Saints, Paris: Bloud et Barral, 1882.
[2]     “Saint Quentin – Lives of the Saints,” Magnificat, 24 February 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 5 October 2016].
[3]     “Saint Quentin – Wikipedia,” Wikipedia, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 5 October 2016].

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino


Saint Nicholas of Tolentino

Feast day September 10

Confessor (1245-1310)

This Patron of the Universal Church was born in 1245, in answer to the prayer of a holy mother. His parents, said to have been called Compagnonus de Guarutti and Amata de Guidiani, were pious folk, perhaps gentle born, living content with a small substance. His mother was a model of holiness. They were childless until a pilgrimage to a shrine of the original Saint Nicholas at Bari, Italy where his mother asked for a son whom she promised to dedicate to God’s service. When her wish was granted, she named the boy Nicholas. Saint Nicholas of Tolentino never lost his baptismal innocence.

He soon gave unusual signs of saintliness. Already at seven he would hide away in a nearby cave and pray there like the hermits whom he had observed in the mountains. His religious formation was greatly influenced by the spirituality of the hermits of Brettino, one of the congregations which came to form part of the “Grand Union” of Augustinians in 1256. Their communities were located in the region of the March where Nicholas was born and raised. Characteristic of these early hermits was a great emphasis on poverty, rigorous practices of fasting and abstinence, and long periods of the day devoted to communal and private prayer.

After hearing the inspired preaching by Reginaldo da Monterubbiano, Prior (local superior) of the Augustinian monastery in Sant’Angelo, he felt a call to embrace the religious life. His parents gave a joyful consent. His piousness so impressed the Bishop of Fermo that he permitted Nicholas to join the minor orders as young boy.

A studious, kind and gentle youth, at the age of 16 Nicholas became an Augustinian Friar and was a student of the Blessed Angelus de Scarpetti. A monk at the monasteries at Recanati and Macerata.

His austerities as a very young religious were conspicuous even in the austere Order to which he belonged. To the protests of his superiors he only replied, “How can I be said to fast, while every morning at the altar I receive my God?” The demons undertook a war against his spirit of prayer, going so far as to beat him and leave him inert on the floor, but they could not separate his soul from his Lord. He did, however, remain lame for life.

He was ordained in 1270 at the age of 25, and soon became known for his preaching and teachings.

Saint Nicholas frequently went out of his monastery to beg for aid to the poor. He visited prisoners and the dying to administer the Last Sacraments. He quickly won over the trust and love of the locals; he was often called upon to pray for the deceased loved ones and was affectionately referred to as the “Patron of Holy Souls”. On account of his kind and gentle manner his superiors entrusted him with the daily feeding of the poor at the monastery gates, but at times he was so free with the friary’s provisions that the procurator begged the superior to check his generosity. Once, when weak after a long fast, he received a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Augustine who told him to eat some bread marked with cross and dipped in water. Upon doing so he was immediately stronger. He started distributing these rolls to the ailing, while praying to Mary, often curing the sufferers; this is the origin of the Augustinian custom of blessing and distributing Saint Nicholas Bread.

During his life, Nicholas is said to have received visions, including images of Purgatory, which friends ascribed to his lengthy fasts. Prayer for the souls in purgatory was the outstanding characteristic of his spirituality. Because of this Nicholas was proclaimed patron of the souls in Purgatory, in 1884 by Leo XIII.

He conceived an ardent charity for the holy souls of purgatory, so near and yet so far from their Saviour. Often, after his Mass, it was revealed to him that the souls for whom he had offered the Holy Sacrifice had been admitted to the presence of God.

Nicholas, who had had visions of angels reciting “to Tolentino”, in 1274 took this as a sign to move to that city, where he lived the rest of his life. Nicholas worked to counteract the decline of morality and religion which came with the development of city life in the late thirteenth century. In Tolentino, Nicholas worked as a peacemaker in a city torn by strife between the Guelphs and Ghibellines who, in the conflict for control of Italy, supported the Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor respectively. He ministered to his flock, helped the poor and visited prisoners. When working wonders or healing people, he always asked those he helped to “Say nothing of this”, explaining that he was just God’s instrument.

There are many tales and legends which relate to Nicholas. One says the devil once beat him with a stick, which was then displayed for years in his church. In another, during an illness, he was ordered to eat meat by a physician, which he had made a vow never to do. A plate containing well-prepared fowl was brought to him. In the presence of several witnesses, he made the sign of the cross over it, and the bird flew away out the window.

Nine passengers on a ship going down at sea once asked Nicholas’ aid, and he appeared in the sky, wearing the black Augustinian habit, radiating golden light, holding a lily in his left hand, and with his right hand, he quelled the storm. An apparition of the saint, it is said, once saved the burning palace of the Doge of Venice by throwing a piece of blessed bread on the flames. He was also reported to have resurrected over one hundred dead children, on one occasion bringing back to life several who had been under water for several days.

According to the Peruvian chronicler Antonio de la Calancha, it was St. Nicholas of Tolentino who made possible a permanent Spanish settlement in the rigorous, high-altitude climate of Potosí, Bolivia. He reported that all children born to Spanish colonists there died in childbirth or soon thereafter, until a father dedicated his unborn child to St. Nicholas of Tolentino (whose own parents, after all, had required saintly intervention to have a child). The colonist’s son, born on Christmas Eve, 1598, survived to healthy adulthood, and many later parents followed the example of naming their sons Nicolás.

He was known for his humility, meekness and sanctity. His preaching, instructions and work in the confessional brought about numerous conversions, and his many miracles were responsible for more, yet he was careful not to take any credit for these miracles. “Say nothing of this,” he would insist, “give thanks to God, not to me. I am only a vessel of clay, a poor sinner.”

“He was a joy to those who were sad, a consolation to the suffering, peace to those at variance, refreshment to those who toiled, support for the poor, and a healing balm for prisoners.”

Nicholas’ reputation as a saintly man and a worker of miracles led many people to the monastery of Tolentino.

During the year preceding his death, a star always appeared over the altar where he said his Mass; afterwards it would conduct him to his cell, or lead him back again, later, to the altar. Amid his loving labors for God and man, he was haunted by thoughts of his own unworthiness. The heavens, said he, are not pure in the sight of Him whom I serve; how then shall I, a sinful man, stand before Him? One day, as he pondered on the greatness of God and his own nothingness, Mary, Queen of all Saints, appeared before him. Fear not, Nicholas, She said, all is well with you: My Son bears you in His Heart, and I am your protection. Then his soul was at rest.

At the hour of his death, which occurred on September 10, 1310, he heard, it is said, the songs which the Angels sing in the presence of their Lord. He died and was buried in the chapel where he was accustomed to offer Holy Mass and say his prayers. He was canonized in 1446 by Pope Eugene IV. Three hundred and one miracles were recognized during the process. His tomb has become renowned by many more, despite the fact that his relics have been lost, save for two arms from which blood still exudes when the Church is menaced by a great danger. This occurred, for example, when the island of Cyprus was taken over by infidels in 1570. The religious of Saint Augustine continue to maintain the service of the large basilica of Saint Nicholas in Tolentino. Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, like Saint Joseph, virginal father of Jesus, has been declared a Patron of the Universal Church.

References and Excerpts

[1]     J. G. Shea, Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, New York: Benziger Brothers, 1894.
[2]     “Lives of the Saints, St. Nicholas of Tolentino,” Magnificat, 24 February 2016. [Online]. Available: . [Accessed 1 September 2016].
[3]     “Nicholas of Tolentino,” Wikipedia, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 September 2016].
[4]     “Our Patron – Nicholas of Tolentino,” Helpers of the Holy Souls, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 1 September 2016].

Mary – Queen of Heaven and Earth

Mary - Queen of all victories

Mary – Queen of All Victories

The Great and incomparable treasure of My Church is My Mother Most Holy, at the same time and your real mother, Queen of the Universe, Queen of all victories, Queen of Heaven and Queen of the Church, whose love is like my love. Through grace she has the power that I have. She loves you like I love you!

Only monsters full of angry do not love My Mother. She is the first after God in Heaven and on Earth – the first in the universe and never will she be matched by any other creature forever.

That is how you have to look at my mother – the only individual to be perfect and immaculate, who came from the love and power of God the Father, the Creator. Only She had not experienced a general fault (original sin) with which all people are born, and She was never subject to the infernal powers of evil.

Mary had not experienced for a moment the power of Lucifer, because She never incurred any, even the slightest guilt.

Her soul, her heart and her body were never in the smallest degree affected by evil. She was born and lived in perfect purity. Persevered in immaculate purity – like how immaculate and clean is God the Triune. Before the creation of the foundations of the earth and the world. Mary stood before God as the object of his infinite fondness.

Through Mary Death was Defeated

Through Mary was restored the order and balance disturbed by original sin.
Through Her was death defeated, resulting in a second creation, so that every person of good will can achieve the goal of his life, which is to obtain salvation.

What is the source of hostility towards My Mother?

From an incurable hatred the evil powers, because through Her was made the righteousness of God, created hell. Mary is the manifestation of the Divine Mercy through which human souls can obtain eternal salvation. Hence the envy and hatred reached such a level that the human creature will never be able to understand to what extent the pride of hell was humiliated in relation to his guilt. Satan does not want to come to terms with the idea that the human creature, inferior because of its nature, is to be exalted above the commander of the rebel hosts. The pride of hell also does not want to come to terms with the idea that the Word of God became flesh and adopted a human nature, binding it with His divine nature.

A torrent of hatred comes from hell and is directed against My Mother and yours, and against everything that She loves and cherishes, above all against the Church, which was born and fed with Me, and She will continue to feed until the end of time.

Hence curses, insults and sacrileges committed against Her, – creation, which is God fond of, and the hope of humanity …

But people have no reason to hate our common Mother, and if you hate her, it is always caused by the devil.

Mary is and will always be the terror of hell and no devil even leaders of hell, such as Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub, do not ever dare to attack the Madonna, but run away from Her and saturate their own miserable fear by exploiting people prone to evil.

Mary, Dawn of the Reborn Church

Nothing can stain the most beautiful flower of heaven and earth, which impresses with its splendor the angels and saints in heaven. Its fragrance fills the blessed of the Old and New Testaments. Mary stands in front of the Holy Trinity and brings together within Herself all the beauty, all the grace, all the fragrance and all hope of the people who are on their paths upon the earth, who look with confidence to their Morning Star, resting assured that they will not get lost in the dark maze of earthly life.

If the devils motivated the condemned with such hatred towards Mary, then on Earth She is in the center of the faith and universal love of all good people who put their trust in her and confide in her. Mary is really the depository of all hope for earthly wanderers.

Mary is the Light of Lights, Love of Loves, Life of Lives, is the branch which grew in front of the Holy Trinity, is a tree of life that grows and develops Her fertile branches throughout the world. Souls redeemed by the Blood of Her blood rightly call Her Mother and ornament of the Father’s House.

The Blessed Mother protects you, saves and leads through the darkness that grows denser, which surrounds the church. She will be the radiant dawn for My Church reborn, She will be the ark of the New Covenant after the cleansing of the world.

In thy troubles, my son, look to Mary, and you will never experience disappointment.

A Passage From:

Ottavio Michelini, “Confidences of Jesus to a Priest,” in Book 6: Humanity on the Threshold of its Liberation, 1978.