Awaken the Giant

Awaken the Giant!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

President Joe Biden, on Thursday, September 9th imposed stringent new vaccine rules. The new requirements could apply to as many as 100 million Americans, two-thirds of the nation’s workforce. Biden’s new plan directs the Labor Department to require all businesses with 100 or more employees ensure their workers are either vaccinated or tested once a week. Companies could face thousands of dollars in fines per employee if they don’t comply.

A long time ago, the U.S. was a Capitalist country. Today, politicians and bureaucrats in government use regulations and taxation to control the economy. Such a system used to be called Socialism.

A wooden horse was used by the Greeks to take over the city of Troy; Adolf Hitler burned down the parliament building (Reichstag) to secure absolute control over Germany. COVID-19 and the new vaccine rules extend the power of government over private companies and make them an arm of government. This type of Socialism is called Fascism.

If these new rules are implemented, thousands of citizens who, for various of reasons, don’t want to be vaccinated will lose their jobs without the cushion of unemployment insurance. Many will lose the ability to support themselves and their families with no money for food, clothing, and housing, becoming homeless overnight. Exemption will be used to reward political supporters and penalties will be used to crush any opposition. Joe Biden, his Merry Men and their allies are indoctrinating new generations in public schools and creating a false perception of reality through mass media. Furthermore, they are restricting the flow of information on the internet and expanding the federal bureaucracy to control everything and win the war for our souls. But there is a greater power, there is a sleeping giant. This great sleeping giant is Holy Militant Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church in the USA cannot remain silent and must oppose such a power grab. It is our Bishops job to raise their voices and lead us in this fight.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church in point 2239 says, “It is the duty of citizens to contribute along with the civil authorities to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom.” Point 2240 obligates us to defend our country. The sacrament of confirmation made us members of Christ’s army and as His soldiers it is our duty to call ranks when the enemy approaches.

Dear brothers and sisters do not neglect this duty, in a few sentences considering our present situation alert via mail or email your Bishop or, even better, every American Bishop and respectfully encourage them to make the Militant Catholic Church militant again.

Dear brothers and sisters take a look at our flyer and spread the message in your church and neighboring parishes.

Link To Flyer: