Saint John of Matha

Picture1Saint John of Matha

Founder (1160-1213)

Feast – February 8

On April 22, 571 AD in Mecca, Saudi Arabia Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim, an Arab religious, social, and political leader and the founder of Islam was born, a prophet, sent to present and confirm the monotheistic teachings preached previously by Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.

The Muslim community spread through the Middle East through military conquest, inspired by religion and motivated by greed and politics.

Between the eighth and the fifteenth centuries medieval Europe was in a state of intermittent warfare between the Christian kingdoms of southern Europe and the Muslim polities of North Africa, Southern France, Sicily and portions of Spain. Raids by Muslim bands and armies were an almost annual occurrence. The threat of capture or kidnapping, whether by Muslim pirates or coastal raiders, or during one of the region’s intermittent wars, was a continual concern for residents of Catalonia, Languedoc, and other coastal provinces of medieval Christian Europe.

In 1160 St. John of Matha, the institutor of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Ransom of Captives, was born at Faucon in Provence, France, to parents, Euphemius and Martha at Faucon-de-Barcelonnette. They were conspicuous for their nobility and virtue, and St John was consecrated to God by a vow at his birth.

His life from his youth was exemplary, by his self-sacrifice for the glory of God and the good of his neighbor. As a child, his chief pleasure was serving the poor; and he would say to them that he had come into the world for no other end but to care for them.

His father Euphemius sent him to Aix, where he learned grammar, fencing, riding, and other exercises fit for a young nobleman. While there he gave the poor a considerable part of the money his parents sent him, and he visited the hospital every Friday to assist the sick poor.

Later he studied in Paris with such distinction that after having completed his theological course, he received the degree of doctor. His eminent learning and virtue induced the Bishop of Paris to promote him, in spite of his humble resistance, to the Holy Order of Priesthood, in the hope that during his sojourn in that city, he might be a bright example to young students by his talents and piety. At the age of 32 in December 1192 St. John of Matha was ordained a priest.

While celebrating his first Mass in the Bishop’s chapel, in the presence of the Prelate and several assistants, he was honored by a signal of favor from Heaven. There appeared to him an Angel clad in a white and brilliant robe; he had on his breast a red and blue cross, and his hands reposed on the heads of a Christian and a Moorish captive.

To comprehend what this vision might signify he thought it wise to spend some time in retirement, prayer, and mortification. Having heard of a holy hermit, St. Felix of Valois, living in a great wood near Gandelu, in the diocese of Meux, he requested him for instructions in the practice of perfection. They agreed to live together, and for three years St. John devoted himself to prayer and contemplation.

Another sign was given the two hermits. It happened, that as they were one day seated near a fountain, conferring with each other on holy things, a stag came towards them, bearing a red and blue cross between his antlers. St. John, perceiving that St. Felix was surprised by so strange an occurrence, told him of the vision he had had at his first Mass. They gave themselves even more fervently to prayer, and having been admonished in sleep, they resolved to set out for Rome in the midst of a severe winter, towards the end of the year 1197, to learn the Will of God from the lips of the Sovereign Pontiff. Pope Innocent III consulted the Sacred College and had a Mass offered in the Lateran basilica, on the feast of St. Agnes, to understand what God was asking. At the moment of the Elevation, the Pope saw the same Angel in the same vision as had been given St. John.

On December 17, 1198, the Pontiff gave his approbation to the new institute, and commanded it to be called the Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Ransom of Captives, bidding its members wear a white habit, with a red and blue cross. Fully approved in 1209, they erected their first monastery at Cerfroid, in the diocese of Meaux. Pope Innocent III gave them the house, church, and hospital of St. Thomas de Formis, together with various revenues and possessions.

Soon, countless vocations came to the Order. The members of the Order fasted every day, and after preaching throughout Europe, winning associates for their Order and gathering alms to buy back captives, went to northern Africa to redeem the Christian slaves taken prisoner during the Crusades or while traveling on the seas. The first Christian slaves were rescued by the Order in 1201.  To carry out this task, the Trinitarians needed large amounts of money. So, they placed their fund-raising efforts under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of God. In gratitude for her assistance, St. John of Matha honored Mary with the title of “Our Lady of Good Remedy.”

The main goal of the Trinitarians, which was to ransom the captives, also had a favorable effect on the Crusaders, who had less fear to be captured and remain slaves of the Moors for a long period of time, or even indefinitely. The Trinitarians traveled with the Crusaders, teaching the soldiers, taking care of the sick, and dealing with the redemption of the captives and gave them the hope to be ransomed and return to the fight.

In 1202 and 1210 St. John travelled to Tunis himself and brought back countless Christian slaves.

On his second trip in 1210, he suffered much from the infidels, who were enraged at his zeal and his success in exhorting the slaves to remain constant in their faith. On his return with the 120 Catholics whom he had ransomed, he found that the Muslims had damaged the rudder of his ship and ripped its sails to prevent its safe arrival and cause the ship to perish at sea. Instead, St. John of Matha, full of confidence in God, begged Him to be their pilot. He tied his cloak to the mast, with a crucifix in his hands, saying, “Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered! O Lord, Thou wilt save the humble, and wilt bring down the eyes of the proud.” Wind filled the small sail, and a few days later brought the ship safely to the port of Ostia, near the mouth of the Tiber, three hundred leagues from Tunis.

Saint John on one occasion was assaulted in Morocco and left, in his blood, for dead. He was preserved by a miracle and took up his charitable services again.

Worn out by his heroic labors, John died in 1213, at the age of fifty-three.

References and Excerpts:

[1]          “Saint John of Matha, Founder.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06-Feb-2020].
[2]          “St. John of Matha, saint of February 8.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06-Feb-2020].
[3]          “St. John of Matha.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 06-Feb-2020].
[4]          “John of Matha,” Wikipedia. 06-Feb-2020.

Resist The Beast

1Consequently, Pilate tried to release him; but the Jews cried out, “If you release him, you are not a Friend of Caesar. Everyone who makes himself a king opposes Caesar.” When Pilate heard these words he brought Jesus out and seated him on the judge’s bench in the place called Stone Pavement, in Hebrew, Gabbatha. It was preparation day for Passover, and it was about noon. And he said to the Jews, “Behold, your king!” They cried out, “Take him away, take him away! Crucify him!” Pilate said to them, “Shall I crucify your king?” The chief priests answered, “We have no king but Caesar.” (John 19:12-15)

Between 26 and 36 AD, when Pontius Pilate was serving as the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea under Tiberius. It was crucial to be in the Emperor’s favor. It was the difference between life and death, prosperity and death. Even the false accusation of not being a friend of Caesar could have deadly consequences. The fear ignited by the words “If you release him, you are not a Friend of Caesar” was strong enough to persuade Pilate to cave to the demands of the crowd and crucify our Lord.

Fear can be a positive motivator. In the book of Proverbs 9:10 it is written, “The beginning of wisdom is fear of the LORD.” The “Good Cop, Bad Cop” tactic is still used by law enforcement officers, but fear can also be used to manipulate people.

Genghis Khan’s empire was built on fear. The Nazis had the brown shirts and gestapo to spread terror among their own citizens, the communists in Russia used the Cheka, NKGB, NKVD, and MGB which in 1954 became the KGB to impose the will of dear leaders.

Today elites are using tactics straight from the Third Reich’s Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda run by ‎Joseph Goebbels‎ who once said, “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.” Every day we are exposed to mixture of facts, half-truths, lies and pure fabrications. They created a coalition of the mass media, entertainment industry, public schools, institutions of higher learning, “experts”, and the government in order to indoctrinate citizens, intimidate the opposition and control the economy by regulating and bullying the corporate world.

The ideas of man-made global warming, man polluting the Earth, destroying the planet, that man is the worst among animals, and that mankind is the scum of the Earth are promoted by the institutions mentioned above.

Few of us in the face of such overwhelming indoctrination can avoid sinking into this swamp. The most vulnerable are young people. Lacking experience, knowledge and critical thinking, they are eager to please teachers and become a part of something bigger, something important. This makes them an easy target. Frightened indoctrinated kids grow up to be indoctrinated adults (useful idiots) and then become part of the indoctrinated ruling class.

The result is that in a country built by Christians and based on Christian values the minds of many is poisoned with ideas such as the equality of religions, gender neutrality, international multiculturalism, socialism and other deviances. All of this in order to discredit Christianity and turn the US into a pagan country, to confuse citizens to the point that they won’t be able to recognize the difference between good and bad, right and wrong, creating the perception that “everything is grey.”

It is every Christian’s, especially Catholic’s, duty to jam the gears of this evil machinery.

Many are talking about problems facing our country and society at large, some are praying, homeschooling their children, and limiting access to mass media in their homes, but is it enough?

One day, the time will come to see our Lord face to face, the time of truth. Many, especially men may learn that from them was expected much more, that the commandment of love of God and neighbor requires us to stand up against the enemy. We must stand up to the ruler of this world – the devil – in his attempt to deceive human souls and counter his lies. For over two thousand years the Catholic Church has been persecuted. The Holy Family had to flee to Egypt, Our Lord was rejected by His own people, undermined by His neighbors, sentenced to death by His priests, but the truth prevailed, Jesus arose from death proving to everybody that He is The One, the redeemer of the world, the Son of God, true God and true man. Since then legions of saints, known and unknown were fighting the enemy in his attempt to destroy the Catholic Church using physical terror from the outside and planting all kinds of heresies to divide Christians from inside.

2St. Maximilian Kolbe during his time as a student in Rome witnessed the violent demonstrations of Freemasons under the windows of the Vatican showing an image of the archangel, St. Michael lying under the feet of the triumphant Lucifer. As a response on October 16, 1917 with six other friars he founded the Militia Immaculata (Army of the Immaculate One) with the aim of converting sinners, enemies of the Catholic Church, heretics and schismatics, particularly freemasons, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary. To accomplice this task he began to publish The Knight of the Immaculate to “illuminate the truth and show the true way to happiness.”

In today’s confused world there is a need, a hunger, for the truth. Catholics are listening to Catholic radio and reading Catholic publications, right wingers will go to Rush Limbaugh and other commentators like him for their information but the rest of society, especially young people, are exploited and exposed to evil propaganda. Lies of global warming or climate change, evolution, the evil ideas of socialism and communism, movements like environmentalism and many others can be exposed as fraud but this requires some work. Generally, people stick to their sources of entertainment and information. To reach them it is necessary to pierce this bubble, and this can be done through the distribution of short, simple, easy to understand flyers presenting objective, obvious and universally accepted facts and truths because this kind of truth has the power to set people free.

Please take a look at our flyers (there will be more of them, if you are able to create a better one go for it and keep fighting), print out twenty, thirty or more copies and while enjoying a recreational Sunday afternoon walk, drop them on the doorsteps of your neighbors’ houses. By strategically changing the route a single person may reach and bring the truth to hundreds of people every month. The Decision is yours; either working for God or by doing nothing serve Satan.

(CO2, Evolution, Mars)

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