Christ for King

1 Christ for King of the United States

Thus says the Lord:

Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings, who makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD. (Jeremiah 17:5)

It was year 64 AD, Rome was burning, and the prosecution of Christians about to reach its peak.  St. Peter was fleeing from crucifixion in Rome at the hands of the government under Emperor Nero Augustus Caesar.  Along the road outside the city he met the risen Jesus. St. Peter asks Jesus, “Quo vadis?” (“Where are you going?”) , to which Jesus replies, “Romam eo iterum crucifigi” (“I am going to Rome to be crucified again”). Peter thereby gained the courage to return to the city, continue his ministry and eventually be martyred by being crucified upside-down.

Today in the United States and all over the world, Neopaganism is showing its head. Faithless culture, Faithless economy, Faithless government, and Faithless society. The country that still has “In God we trust” on its currency is drifting away from God with increasing speed. Corrupt elites in government, media and pop culture are imposing all kinds of harmful ideologies on society, corrupting our hearts and endangering the salvation of our souls.

Should we flee the United States by locking ourselves in our houses and churches, or shall we turn around and continue the ministry started by our Lord and passed to us by St. Peter and successive generations.

We are not alone in this battle. Our Lord is with us. God, our loving Heavenly Father shows us the way to overcome obstacles in our struggle for salvation through chosen souls.

One of those chosen souls was Giulio Mancinelli. On august 14, 1608 in monastery Gesu Nuovo Italy, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the Jesuit Giulio and asked him as gratitude for strong love and devotion to Her among Poles to call Her “ Queen of Poland”. Two years later the 72 year old Giulio, after an arduous walk from Italy, on May 8, 1610 brought this message to the Polish King in Cracow.

April 1, 1656, in Lvov Cathedral, King John II Casimir entrusted the Commonwealth under the Blessed Virgin Mary’s protection, whom he announced as The Queen of the Polish Crown.

Sadly this announcement didn’t move the hearts of the nobles, leaders of the Commonwealth. Pride, personal ambitions and self-interest created divisions and conflicts. It took the Poles 45 years to recognize the importance of this revelation. In 1648 Bohdan Khmelnitsky led rebellion of Zaporozhian Cossacks and Ukrainian peasants, it brought into focus the rivalry between Russia and the Commonwealth (Poland-Lithuania) for hegemony over Ukraine and over the eastern Slavic lands in general. In June, 1654, the forces of Tsar Alexis of Russia invaded the eastern half of Poland-Lithuania, starting the Russo-Polish War of 1654-67. In the summer of 1654, the Russians managed to capture most important cities and strongholds of today’s Belarus. July the next year, the Swedish Empire invaded and occupied the remaining half of the country. In the winter of the same year the Swedes attempted to capture the Jasna Góra monastery in Częstochowa. A small force consisting of monks from the Jasna Góra monastery led by their Prior and supported by local volunteers, mostly from the Polish nobility, fought off the numerically superior Swedish troops to save their sacred icon, the Black Madonna of Częstochowa. Their successful defense become the turning point of the war. On  April first, 1656, during a holy mass in Lvov Cathedral (now Ukraine), conducted by the papal legate Pietro Vidoni, King John II Casimir, who just returned from exile, in a grandiose and elaborate ceremony entrusted the Commonwealth under the Blessed Virgin Mary’s protection, whom he announced as The Queen of the Polish Crown. A series of victories following this act allowed Poland to reclaim control over most of the lost territories. Today, the Blessed Virgin Mary is known as the Queen of Poland.

Beginning in the year 1930, our Lord Jesus began to demand, using the Venerable Rozalia Celakowna (whose beatification process is ongoing), that Poland recognize Him as King. September 1937 Rozalia starts to receive a series of prophetic visions in which Jesus’s demands of the Poland and the world are very clearly defined. Depending on the fulfillment of these demands, God subjected the fate of Poland and other nations. The essence of these revelations can be reduced to a condition: if Poland wants to save itself, it must accept Jesus as their King in the whole sense of the word by the Act of Enthronement. It is to be made by the entire nation, and especially by the state and ecclesiastical authorities, on behalf of the Nation, must worked together to make this Act in a solemn manner. If other nations will follow the example of Poland, and recognize Jesus, their King, they will be spared, otherwise they will perish.

May 2 2016 Knights of Christ the King marching in Warsaw, Poland.

After WW II, forty five years of communist dictatorship, and twenty six years of post-communist struggle, the polish episcopate established a draft of the enthronement of Jesus Christ, which resulted in Poland being placed under His rule as King on November 19, 2016. This Act was announced on the 1050th anniversary of the baptism of Poland at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki-Cracow. Alongside the episcopate, cardinals and bishops, the act of enthronement was attended by the president of Poland and devoted Catholic Andrzej Duda, representatives of administration and leaders of congress. Outside of the sanctuary gathered crowd of over 200 thousand.

József Mindszenty (29 March 1892 – 6 May 1975) was the Prince Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom, cardinal, and leader of the Catholic Church in Hungary from October 2nd, 1945 to December 18th, 1973. For five decades, he personified uncompromising opposition to fascism and communism in Hungary in support of religious freedom. During World War II, he was imprisoned by the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross Party.

Prisoner, Cardinal Mindszenty with his guards.

After the war, he opposed communism and the communist persecution in his country. As a result, he was tortured and given a life sentence in a 1949 show trial that generated worldwide condemnation, including a United Nations resolution. After eight years in prison, he was freed in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and granted political asylum by the United States embassy in Budapest, where Mindszenty lived for the next fifteen years. He was finally allowed to leave the country in 1971. He died in exile in 1975 in Vienna, Austria.  On 21 February 1946, Archbishop Mindszenty was elevated to Cardinal-Priest of Santo Stefano Rotondo by Pope Pius XII, who told him, “Among these thirty-two you will be the first to suffer the martyrdom symbolized by this red color.” In 1947 Cardinal Mindszenty professed that: If a million Hungarians will pray for the country, he will be calm about her fate.

In the face of a great social crisis (bloody riots, protests, in reminiscence of the 1956 revolution against ruling socialist party) in Hungary, Cardinal Erdö with the episcopate proclaimed 2006 the Year of Spiritual Renewal of the Nation and called all to a prayer crusade for the intentions of the homeland. More than a million Hungarians declared that they will pray for the moral renewal of the nation, which started the beginning of a great social transformation.

After more than 60 years from the words of the martyred Primate, Hungarians tend to recover the lost dignity of the once great nation. Four years after the start of a crusade – April 11, 2010, the patriotic camp led by Victor Orban won the election. One of the first actions of the new parliament was to change the constitution, guaranteeing the protection of life from conception to natural death and recognize the Christian roots of the state. The country now seems to have survived the crisis.

Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia is a country at the northern tip of South America. Population 47 million, it enjoys over 40 mystics who experience the presence of the Lord Jesus, Our Lady and the saints.

Colombia, for many years was associated only with the production of cocaine, violence and terror on the part of the FARC (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—People’s Army. FARC is a guerrilla movement involved in continuing the Colombian armed conflict since 1964. Ideology‎: ‎Marxism–Leninism‎), it is now the fastest growing country of the whole continent, and the capital Bogota is safer than many other cities in the world.

Through mystics Our Lady sent to the Colombians messages which said that: in Colombia there will be peace only when the entire nation and its leaders make the act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mary said that the suffering that affected Colombia, if lived in union with Christ, will transform the entire nation, which will become a light and witness to the world.

In 1990 the government of Colombia, together with the whole episcopate entrusted the nation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and this was enshrined in the Constitution. Sadly in 1991 the Constitutional Tribunal cancelled the act of consecration. Since then Colombia went through a period of intensified criminal actions from the communist guerrillas. There was then a general mobilization of the whole society, to make a spiritual and moral renewal of the nation and to put into power deeply religious people who would support this renewal. Colombians realized that without a strong faith in God and without prayer the nation has no future, and that is why in the democratic elections in 2002 chose the deeply religious president Álvaro Uribe. In 2003. The president signed a new constitution, which annulled the decision of the Constitutional Court of 1991. The army chief, General Padilla, proudly stated that the new Constitution of Colombia “reflects the order we received from God.”

Consecration to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (Bogotá).

After long preparations, on October 12, 2008 state authorities with the president Alvaro Uribe, Cardinal. Pedro Rubian, with the entire Colombian episcopate, in unity with the whole nation, made the solemn consecration of Colombia to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. This was the most important event in the country since Columbia gained its independence.

Catholic, conservative Álvaro Uribe is one of the few leaders who openly talks about their relationship with religion (Uribe is a member of Opus Dei), the faith that has an impact on political decisions and his conservative political views. In the presidential palace on the walls hangs a painting of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the saints and blessed. In the center of the building there is a private chapel, where is the Blessed Sacrament present accompanied by the relics of many saints.

The most astonishing in talks with officials is that everyone is talking about God as someone very important to their lives.

Consecration of the applicants and police cadets to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Colombians are not ashamed of their religion. On one of the skyscrapers of Bogota residents placed a huge painting of Jesus Crucified. The Audi dealership, next to the gleaming cars, placed a 2-meter image of the Lord Jesus. There are hundreds of crosses, statues and icons in private gardens, homes, courtyards, in state offices and private companies.

Against the darkness of sin which is enveloping the world, God chooses countries to be places of spiritual refuge and luminous signs for the world. This land-mark for Latin America is to be Colombia.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it”. (Matthew, 16: 18)

What Our Lord promises will happen but those who will decide to sit on the side line in this struggle should ask themselves the question, “Will the door to Heaven open for me?”

“It is you who have stood by me in my trials; and I confer a kingdom on you, just as my Father has conferred one on me, that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom; and you will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Luke 22:28-30)

During the Last Supper our Lord revealed to the apostles that God proclaimed Him the King, King of Kings. It is the duty of every Christian, enclosed in mandate, to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.”(Mark 16:15) To bring, by prayer and promotion, this message to everybody so that one day, by the Grace of God, Jesus Christ will be proclaimed and recognized as the King of the USA and the entire world.

Let us then proclaim the Son of God, our redeemer, our savior Jesus Christ the King, King of our hearts and King of our country and our Heavenly Mother Virgin Mary our Queen, surrendering as individuals and as a nation to their merciful, loving, most Holy Hearts, to become part of God’s salvation plan.

Let’s start with promoting a simple prayer:

Christ Our King

O Lord our God, Jesus Christ, Thee alone are our Most Holy King. For our many sins we have deserved Thy Just Judgment. Jesus, King of Mercy, forgive us, have mercy upon us. Protect, o Lord, us, our families and our country, the United States of America. May America and all nations declare Thee God and King; May they fall on their knees before Thee! Open their hearts, and lift up their souls to adore Thee! Amen.

This prayer can be downloaded at under “Religious Cards” then “Prayer Cards.”

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