Mary – Queen of Heaven and Earth

Mary - Queen of all victories

Mary – Queen of All Victories

The Great and incomparable treasure of My Church is My Mother Most Holy, at the same time and your real mother, Queen of the Universe, Queen of all victories, Queen of Heaven and Queen of the Church, whose love is like my love. Through grace she has the power that I have. She loves you like I love you!

Only monsters full of angry do not love My Mother. She is the first after God in Heaven and on Earth – the first in the universe and never will she be matched by any other creature forever.

That is how you have to look at my mother – the only individual to be perfect and immaculate, who came from the love and power of God the Father, the Creator. Only She had not experienced a general fault (original sin) with which all people are born, and She was never subject to the infernal powers of evil.

Mary had not experienced for a moment the power of Lucifer, because She never incurred any, even the slightest guilt.

Her soul, her heart and her body were never in the smallest degree affected by evil. She was born and lived in perfect purity. Persevered in immaculate purity – like how immaculate and clean is God the Triune. Before the creation of the foundations of the earth and the world. Mary stood before God as the object of his infinite fondness.

Through Mary Death was Defeated

Through Mary was restored the order and balance disturbed by original sin.
Through Her was death defeated, resulting in a second creation, so that every person of good will can achieve the goal of his life, which is to obtain salvation.

What is the source of hostility towards My Mother?

From an incurable hatred the evil powers, because through Her was made the righteousness of God, created hell. Mary is the manifestation of the Divine Mercy through which human souls can obtain eternal salvation. Hence the envy and hatred reached such a level that the human creature will never be able to understand to what extent the pride of hell was humiliated in relation to his guilt. Satan does not want to come to terms with the idea that the human creature, inferior because of its nature, is to be exalted above the commander of the rebel hosts. The pride of hell also does not want to come to terms with the idea that the Word of God became flesh and adopted a human nature, binding it with His divine nature.

A torrent of hatred comes from hell and is directed against My Mother and yours, and against everything that She loves and cherishes, above all against the Church, which was born and fed with Me, and She will continue to feed until the end of time.

Hence curses, insults and sacrileges committed against Her, – creation, which is God fond of, and the hope of humanity …

But people have no reason to hate our common Mother, and if you hate her, it is always caused by the devil.

Mary is and will always be the terror of hell and no devil even leaders of hell, such as Lucifer, Satan and Beelzebub, do not ever dare to attack the Madonna, but run away from Her and saturate their own miserable fear by exploiting people prone to evil.

Mary, Dawn of the Reborn Church

Nothing can stain the most beautiful flower of heaven and earth, which impresses with its splendor the angels and saints in heaven. Its fragrance fills the blessed of the Old and New Testaments. Mary stands in front of the Holy Trinity and brings together within Herself all the beauty, all the grace, all the fragrance and all hope of the people who are on their paths upon the earth, who look with confidence to their Morning Star, resting assured that they will not get lost in the dark maze of earthly life.

If the devils motivated the condemned with such hatred towards Mary, then on Earth She is in the center of the faith and universal love of all good people who put their trust in her and confide in her. Mary is really the depository of all hope for earthly wanderers.

Mary is the Light of Lights, Love of Loves, Life of Lives, is the branch which grew in front of the Holy Trinity, is a tree of life that grows and develops Her fertile branches throughout the world. Souls redeemed by the Blood of Her blood rightly call Her Mother and ornament of the Father’s House.

The Blessed Mother protects you, saves and leads through the darkness that grows denser, which surrounds the church. She will be the radiant dawn for My Church reborn, She will be the ark of the New Covenant after the cleansing of the world.

In thy troubles, my son, look to Mary, and you will never experience disappointment.

A Passage From:

Ottavio Michelini, “Confidences of Jesus to a Priest,” in Book 6: Humanity on the Threshold of its Liberation, 1978.