Forgotten War – Part 4

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Forgotten War – Part 4 – It makes no sense.

Strange things are happening today, hard to understand, many times they make no sense at all. A logically thinking person, will say, it is stupid to:

  1. Promote equal rights by giving preferences to one group of people over another,
  2. Kill unborn babies, at a time when American families are getting smaller,
  3. Equalize same-sex relationships with the sacrament of Holy Matrimony,
  4. Reduce gun violence by disarming law abiding citizens,
  5. Gender neutral bathrooms,
  6. Black lives matter movement,
  1. God created us in His image, for this reason a majority of the population is naturally opposing evil, causing the devil to perfume or camouflage himself to sneak into our hearts and manipulate them. As an effect of the Goodness planted in our hearts by Creator, a majority of us seek equal rights for all people, we like the idea of being judged not by the color of skin but by the content of character. (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Satan know how to manipulate us by praying on peoples’ good hearts. Instead of creating equal, Satan, through his servants, imposed unequal rights. They forced preferential treatment of minorities, in public schools, universities, in access to social programs, hiring practices in the public sector and on many occasions in the private one too.

The result of this constant brainwashing and pressure is the “white person’s guilt” mentality evolved among the “oppressive” majority, and entitlement attitude in “oppressed” minority.

Guilty syndrome built on the foundation of slavery and oppressions from the past, is used to force us to accept and tolerate today’s sins and atrocities committed by minorities, and to break the golden rule “love sinner, hate sin”. In effect sin is not sin any more, it is just pay back. At the same time in those who work and pay through taxes for this form of reparations, their love of sinner is slowly murdered. The division is getting bigger and bigger.

After 50 years of struggle against racism, at the time when we have the first black president, the problem is not solved, it is far from being solved and it is getting worse. We see more and more “reversed” racism, racism against white people.

  1. Legalizing, sponsoring and promoting abortion, also known as the slaughter of unborn babies, in the country where the birth rate is declining makes no sense. The government need taxpayers, a growing government needs population to grow, so why do many politicians favor abortion at the taxpayers’ expense?

The correct answer to this question is – a majority of them have no idea, but they are still supporting it, and will use any excuses to defend their positions (they’re stuck on stupid).

There is no logical explanation, or logical answer in this matter, unless we recognize it as a part of spiritual war, another sneaky attack in our spiritual struggle.

Unfortunately, without even realizing it, proponents of abortion on demand have sold their souls to the devil in pursuit of temporary materialistic benefits. Now they are slaves and servants of Satan. By legalizing, promoting, sponsoring, abortion they are trying to corrupt our morality, kill consciences, and entangle as many of us as possible in this sinful practice. We have to remember that this influences all of us. Those who are against abortion, if they do nothing to stop it, according to the Ezekiel, 33:8, will be held responsible for the blood of sinners. It is truly evil thing.

  1. Equalizing same-sex relationship with the sacrament of Holy Matrimony is pushed on us by many politicians, activist judges, media, Hollywood stars, etc. In society, homosexuals and lesbians are a tiny minority, less than 2% of the population. In reality this group of deeply disturbed people is too small to seriously influence elections or to have a big impact on crucial national affairs, they don’t even have enough money to influence anything, but they are part of Evil United – Coalition of Servants of Devil.

According to the teachings of the Church our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. As a result of the sins against 6th and 9th commandment the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were wiped off the surface of the earth. Equalizing same-sex relationships with sacrament of Holy Matrimony is simply a push directed especially against easily influenced and manipulated young people to change their understanding of right and wrong, changing the meaning of words, equating perverted sexual acts with love, and sinful, fruitless relationships with the holy, life giving, sacrament. Another way to drag us to hell.

  1. Reducing gun violence by disarming law abiding citizens. Logically thinking it makes no sense, law abiding citizens are not committing acts of violence. Terrorists and criminals do, and they do not obey the law, but if we will think like a chess player, a couple moves ahead, and look at the consequences we will realize that it will limit our ability to stand up for what is right and take action against evil. Imagine how you’re going to stand up against a group of young people raping a 12 year old girl in a park without some kind of weapon giving you a chance to succeed in an attempt to help. Without a weapon, most people would walk away feeling powerless, allowing evil to flourish. We may easily becoming passive like those Germans who decided not to see what the Nazis were doing during WWII, and in effect after a short time many of them cooperated with the regime in the holocaust. Remember, Hitler’s first action when he became chancellor of Germany was confiscating firearms.

If we will analyze, and understand the issues listed above as a part of the spiritual war for our souls everything becomes clear and understandable.


Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith, knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same sufferings. (1 Peter 5, 8:9)

The goal of the “Forgotten War” articles is to remind us this truth from first letter of St. Peter, that in our voyage in this valley of tears we have to face an enemy, an evil, powerful enemy, a deadly enemy, an enemy without mercy, Satan.

In today’s world the devil and his powers are underestimated. For many he is just a figure from horror movies or Halloween. In reality we experience his existence as individuals and as a society. He is everywhere.

St. Padre Pio ones said, “If all the devils that are here were to take bodily form, they would blot out the light of the sun!”, and he knew what he was talking about. Satan is an intelligent creature and for this reason his main targets are people of influence; priests, politicians, media and pop culture figures, teachers etc., knowing that with their help he can impact more people, be more successful in his evil plan. He is working 24 hour a day, seven days a week, trying to catch us in his traps.

We have to choose a side in this battle, “No one can serve two masters.” Serving God means fighting the devil, there is no neutrality in this war. We have to resist and fight temptations planted in our hearts, minds, in our body, influences coming from inside and outside. In our spiritual struggle it is important to recognize who the real adversary is. It makes it easier to forgive trespasses, to pray for enemies, to love and have compassion for them, and fight them with pure hearts, because we know that they are just poor puppets of devil.

In this war weapons are: prayer, pious practices, sacraments, especially the sacrament of penance, fighting bad habits, giving a good example to others, fulfilling our duty as a parent, neighbor, and citizen by standing up for what is right.

“Live and let live” is not the option.  We have to be “the salt of the earth” to serve God and by this service be made worthy of the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have to fight Satan and oppose him by following the example of saints, and by standing strong prove that in the Catholic Church is the Truth.