Calloused Hands


“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat [or drink], or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?”
/Matthew, 6:25/

A long time ago before the Berlin wall collapsed, people, to show the absurdity of the communist system, would ask, “How many workers does it take to plant a tree?” The answer was “five, one to dig a hole, one to put the tree in, a “highly educated” supervisor to say ‘roots down, branches up,’ a fourth to fill the hole, and the fifth to pour some water, to keep the tree alive.” There is a problem in this joke, according to Darwin’s theory of evolution, we don’t need a highly educated supervisor. It doesn’t matter whether the roots are down or up, the tree will adapt!

How is it that the all-knowing, all-powerful government couldn’t bend or change the power of Mother Nature? There is a bigger question, is it really Mother Nature?

You, my God, have made everything; You decided that roots will go into the dirt to collect water, while the branches reach up into the air. You made it possible that the water, which normally travels downwards instead travels up the tree to the highest leaves. God, You magnificent designer, who made trees and other plants to suck the carbon dioxide from the air, then use it to build branches and leaves, and spit out oxygen that we need to live. (How evil it is to consider carbon dioxide as a pollutant)

At the end of my workday, when I am washing my hands, I can see callouses. Some may say they are from work, I say they are from You, heavenly Father. You designed them, made them to protect my hands while I work. Oh God, how much You must love me, that You protect even my hands. How much You must love me, that You sacrificed Your beloved son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh merciful God, fill my heart with love and passion that I may serve You with my whole heart and soul, because “Thou art all good and worthy of all love.” Amen.