Welcome to the Brigade of St. Ambrose Website


Declaration of War

Christianity with its values is under attack, slowly and systematically eliminated from life and society. Separation of Church and State, Political Correctness, Speech Code, Tax Exempt Status and many other tools are used to marginalize the influence of the Teachings of Christ in our daily life. Servants of our enemy, are in control of the government, education, media and economy. In effect, abortion, gay marriage and perversions of many kinds are forced on us, our children, neighbors. Our freedoms are shrinking every day, and we are conditioned to accept it. There is no “Right” or “Wrong” anymore. Understanding that life is a trial directed towards eternity is missing. Satan has succeeded in emptying spirits and hearts of necessary courage to fight the true battle. The battle for the salvation of our souls. Throughout the Sacrament of Confirmation, receiving the Holy Spirit and His Gifts, every Catholic becomes a Soldier of Christ. We Troopers of Saint Ambrose are calling on you to join our Brigade. Stand up to fight. We are declaring war on evil. Make it clear that people are not our enemy, Satan is. We will fight evil everywhere, by living our life by the Gospel, and with the Gospel. In this war, a measure of success is the number of souls we bring with us to our Lord. To succeed in this war, we Catholics must resurrect the idea of warfare, universal warfare between God and the devil. We must be a part of the City of God (St. Augustine). Like Saint Ambrose, always pushing forward, never stepping back, never surrender, fight to our last breath, so help us God.


crossDear Brother in Christ,

If you decide to join our organization, please submit the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Your Parish Name and Address
  • The password from the St. Ambrose Trooper’s Card


After joining, you will be able to download an electronic copy of the St. Ambrose Trooper’s Card. Print the first page and on the other side of the paper print the second page. If you cut along the edges of the pictures, on the other side the prayer will be aligned properly. You may print as many copies as you need, but do not give away the electronic copy. New members must register through our website, that way we will know the actual status of our organization, and can coordinate recruitment efforts.

Your job as a Trooper of St. Ambrose is to recruit new members, promote our website, and the material posted on it. You can download articles and other materials. Print out as many copies of these flyers that you can give to friends, family, other parishioners, etc. In crucial times we will contact you and ask to give away materials to motivate others to pray, get informed and involved. During an election, we ask you to distribute flyers to help others vote according to the words of the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” For all these actions, you may have to ask for permission from your pastor. If a situation arises, feel free to contact us for assistance.

Why flyers? Flyers are used to reach a large group of people in a short period of time. In the past they were used by underground movements in occupied countries. Our founding father’s used them to organize the future citizens of the United States. They are used during the war to inform the civilian population to warn of impending attacks and bombings. New businesses use them to gain customers. Junk mail is a form of the flyers too. Consider, your friend is asking you to look at a website for certain information, or he hands you a piece of paper with a short, simple message. What works better? The truth is, flyers are effective.

Member Requirement and Recommendations

The purpose of men’s existence is to Know, Love and Serve God. There is no salvation without serving God. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). By fulfilling the requirement of service, we have become the enemy of the Devil. Most of us recall what happened to Mel Gibson after he created “The Passion of the Christ,” The devil took revenge. Anyone who wishes to join the Brigade of St. Ambrose must be prepared:

  • Must be in communion with the Catholic Church.
  • Be in the State of Grace, never delay going to confession when the State of Grace is lost.
  • Regularly go to confession, even if they are only venial sins.
  • Surrender your day to God during morning prayers.
  • Pray the rosary and the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel daily.
  • Receive Holy Communion as often as possible.
  • Gain friends in heaven by obtaining plenary indulgences for the souls in purgatory (make sure you ask for it before communion.)
  • Add to the morning and evening prayers the prayer on the St. Ambrose Brigade card.
  • Watch this video on spiritual protection and use the advice to protect yourself.If you wish to join our organization, be certain that your intentions are pure. Otherwise, you put yourself and people close to you in grave danger.